This post contains sweary art- proceed with caution…
I love telling my story about how I got into creating art with swear words on it. My Pretty Sweary collection!
Old me would have been *mortified*- what would people think!?- but the new me that evolved after leaving my abusive family of origin gives zero effs, so here’s how it happened!
Several years ago, I was working with a long time design client. I had been working with them for several years, and over time, their behaviour and attitude got worse and worse, and more abusive and just plain awful. They would call very early in the morning expecting their projects done right away, most of them had same-day turn around times.
I stuck with them for a while, but eventually it got so they were attacking me, being abusive, and expecting the world for nothing. They would never pay me on time and gave millions of excuses, so it was game of me billing them, then waiting 30 days- even tho I didn’t offer net 30- for them to pay, eventually having to cut them off & ignore them then finally a payment would come through, and the cycle would start all over again.
Unfortunately I needed the money so I put up with it. Until one day I was talking to one of them on the phone, and his language was getting increasingly angry over the fact that I wanted to get paid. He let it slip that they had been working with another designer but the “bleep” wouldn’t let them cheap out on his rates. You can see what I was dealing with here…..
So I took this as an opportunity to fire them once and for all, sent them a pleasant email wishing them well with their other designer, thanks, byeeeeee.
Then the onslaught of abusive calls, texts, and emails, started. CONSTANTLY calling my cel, my office line, texting, emailing, from 7am to 9pm. For 2 weeks straight. Leaving messages like “CALL ME NOW” & hanging up. If that’s how they went about wanting me to come back to work with them, you can see what I mean here.
I was somewhat worried because their office was within an hour’s driving distance, and what if they showed up at my home office? (They never did thank goodness!)
What would I say?
I’m not one to yell or scream, so I envisioned a mug on my desk with a super offensive saying on it, positioned so when they walked in to my office, they’d see a pretty flowery mug, but ohhhh wait……
So I made my vision happen.
I love old tea cups so was inspired by some I had saved from my late gran’s house after she passed and drew up some of the flowers in a vintage colour palette.
Then I asked my friends on Facebook, “What is your favourite swear word?”
And I got some real gems, including “Eat a bag of dicks” which honestly I had not heard before, but my friend’s husband wanted it on a mug to take to an HOA meeting, so who was I to say no! The design that started everything!
I lettered a few more of them and uploaded them to my store on Society 6. And from there, they went viral, after someone, now a friend, posted her collection of Pretty Sweary mugs, which was completely hilarious.
So from there, I started getting known for it. People thought I was completely off my rocker and “concerned” about me. No worries, I assured them, it’s only for fun! And I kept going since they were selling pretty well! People would send me dm’s asking for certain phrases, so I would create them- as long they weren’t hate, guns, or violence, must have the funny factor only! I was even contacted by the team at Society 6 asking me how & why I did it, as they were selling like hotcakes lol!
Then during the pandemic I branched out into fabric after someone at Spoonflower asked me upload some designs, and the mask-makers went nuts over them. Some of the Spoonflower employees even reached out to me and said they loved it and it was an entire “mood” there. Hehehe.
They continue to sell! And get licensed!
Now I think, people expect it from me, which is even funnier! I notice a big drop of engagement on socials between non-sweary & sweary posts. Maybe I’m saying what we’re all thinking? But my sweary stuff defo gets more interest than non.
So I aim to please!
Anyways, so as I always say, no offence intended nor taken. It’s all for shits and giggles. That’s it! We allllll need more laughter and fun, especially right now, with the world in the state it is. Sigh.
I’m super grateful for everything that’s come of it, who knew! I sure didn’t at the time.
And if it offends you, then you’re not in that particular market, & that’s ok! I do actually create loads of non-sweary art as well.
Anyway! That’s my story around that. Teehee!