Final piece, The Artist

And finally, the last card in the series, all of these pieces & parts of me come together to be me as an Artist.

Not only me making art, which is my job and passion and career, but also my life.

Creating a new life after everything having been stripped away and taken away all at once in the cruel letter from my former “family”. I still don’t know why they sent it, other than sheer delusion and all the deflection and lies from one parent, compounding and altering truth which they all refused to see. And still refuse to.

Everything I knew & thought was part of my life, gone.

My wonderful husband thankfully stood by me, supported me, witnessed it all, & gets it too. He was first to see it all & put up with me trying to make it work with them when it was obviously futile. Looking back it’s beyond cringey how much I put up with just trying to fit in where I was never wanted or loved.

The one constant through all of it, that they can never take away, is my art.

I am SO thankful it all happened.
It was the best gift they ever gave me.

I don’t have to play small to protect myself or be treated like poop on their shoes anymore.
I can celebrate my accomplishments & not tone myself down in fear of being teased, mocked, ridiculed, or just ignored all together.

I am thriving and love my life now.
I’m using my experiences to fuel my work. Not in a hanging on way, but using the power of what I went through to move forward into bigger things and projects and help others.

Shining a light so others can find their fellow tribe.

Sharing my stories so others might feel seen, heard, and understood, as others sharing theirs has helped me so much.

I feel free and ready to create like I never did before, using what I’ve learned in the process to lead me forward in my work and my art.

And you know what, they would hate all of that. And that says it all.

In the end, it’s their loss.
They never knew me, didn’t want to, and didn’t care.
They were so stuck in their delusions that they watched me give up and walk away, and didn’t say a word or do anything at all.
They are so committed to their false reality, they lost a child and sister, turning their backs to it all. To me.

It shows the deep dysfunction and sickness of the system, a weak, twisted, jealous, cruel person at the helm, turning against their own child and getting the rest of them to do the same, to make herself feel better and deflect away from some very hard truths. WHO does that? And why?

They all did.
They thrive in the sickness, and will always live there. Stuck in their delusion and foggy dark world of their own creation, for what?

To hide their misdeeds, their cruel behaviour, and the abuse.

I know I’ll never hear from them in any positive way. (And importantly don’t want to).
They would be forced to confront and admit to what they did and that will never happen. They’d rather lose a daughter and sister than say “I’m sorry I was wrong”.

And that is a million times ok. Almost a decade has gone by with only silence. I know I made the right decision to walk away from them. If they can’t reach out to make things right by now, they never will & they won’t.

And importantly, it’s too late.

I’ve healed and moved on.
I am free. To create and just be me.

If any of these pieces resonate, I will have them for sale very soon.

I will also have prints available in my Red Bubble and Society 6 shops shortly.

With many thanks as always for your support of me and my work, it means so much!

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